Universidad de Murcia (UM)


The University of Murcia is located in the south-east of Spain and offers a wide range of courses, including veterinary studies.

The University of Murcia is a public university, located in the region of Murcia (Spain). It was originally founded in 1272 under the Crown of Castile. It has more than 34,000 students and is a university of national and international renown.


The Universidad de Murcia is part of the Campus of International Excellence program of the "Campus Mare Nostrum" project. It comprises five campuses.

  • Campus of La Merced - Calle Santo Cristo, 1, 30001 Murcia (Law School)
  • Campus de Espinardo - Calle Campus Universitario, s/n, 30100 El Puntal, Murcia (Faculties of Chemistry, Fine Arts, Biology, Labor Sciences, Communication and Documentation, Economics and Commerce, Education, Philosophy, Computer Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Psychology, Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine and Osteopathy).
  • Campus de Ciencias de la Salud (El Palmar) - Calle Campo, s/n, 30120 El Palmar, Murcia (Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, Biochemistry and Dentistry).
  • Campus of Cartagena-C/ Menéndez Pelayo, 8
    30204 Cartagena (Faculty of Labor Relations and Human Resources and Education).
  • Campus of Lorca-Avenida de las Fuerzas Armadas, s/n, antiguo cuartel Sancho Davila,
    30800 Lorca (Faculty of Nursing and Human Nutrition and Dietetics).



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To apply to the University of Murcia, please send an e-mail to info@feeduc.eu.

Access to the Universidad de Murcia

The Universidad de Murcia is made up of five campuses.

  • La Merced Campus - Faculty of Law
  • Espinardo Campus - Faculty of Chemistry, Fine Arts, Biology, Labor Sciences, Communication and Documentation, Economics and Business, Education, Philosophy, Computer Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Psychology, Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine and Osteopathy.
  • Campus de Ciencias de la Salud (El Palmar) - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, Biochemistry and Dentistry.
  • Cartagena Campus - Faculty of Labor Relations and Human Resources and Education.
  • Lorca Campus - Nursing and Human Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty.


Lodging in Murcia

Where to stay during your studies in Spain?

We invite you to use the following real estate platforms:


Please note: these platforms put you in contact with individuals and agencies. A good command of Spanish is necessary. And beware of overly attractive offers that may be scams.