Which course should you choose for your studies in Spain?

Find out all the information about training and studies in Spain

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Our studies in Spain

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ESIC, Business & Marketing School

Instituto Europeo de Diseño (IED)

ESADE, Business School

Universidad Alfonso Diez el Sabio (UAX)

Camilo José Cela University (UCJC)

Universidad Nebrija 

UEM Madrid - Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM)

UNIE Universidad

UPSA Madrid

La Florida University

University Europea de Valencia (UEV) Alicante Campus

University Europea de Valencia (UEV) Valencia Campus

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV)

CEU San Pablo University

Universidad Europea de Canarias (UEC)

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA)



Elle Education




Studying at a public university in Spain

Studying in Spain without a high school diploma and professional training in Spain

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Universidad Carlos III Madrid (UC3M)

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)

Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH)

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR)

Universidad de León (UNILEON)

Universidad de Valladolid (UVA)

Universidad de Valencia (UV)

Universidad Politècnica de Valencia (UPV)

Universidad de Murcia (UM)

Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canarias (ULPGC)

Universidad de Extremadura (UEX)

Universidad de Córdoba (UCO)

FEEduc's mission is to help all those wishing to study in Spain? To help them succeed in their study projects in Spain, whatever the course they wish to follow.

Focus on health studies in Spain: enter your dream profession without a competitive examination (but not without a job!).

If, in your mind, you want to go and study in Spain to "do medicine", you'll have to start by working out what job you want to do, and therefore what studies you're going to do in Spain.

You may not know it yet, but the PASS or LAS, which allows you to enter a second year of health science studies in France, does not exist in Spain. You'll go straight into dentistry, physiotherapy, pharmacy or medicine.

This organization of medical and paramedical studies is one of Spain's strengths, as it forces students to question their motivations before deciding on a course of study in the medical sector.

Indeed, spending one's professional life as a physiotherapist does not at all require the same skills and abilities as those needed to be a dentist or doctor, let alone a veterinarian.

In Spain, every student has to decide which course to apply for before applying.

To help you make the right educational choice, the one that will enable you to pursue the career you're really cut out for, we can provide you with a list of reliable guidance counselors (recommended to us by students who have used their services).

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