Nursing training in Spain

Study in Spain to become a nurse

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Study in Spainto become a nurse by training in Spain

In order to obtain the nursing degree in Spain, it is necessary to complete 4 years of theoretical and practical studies.

During these years of study, you study theoretical knowledge in anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology as well as in dietetics or psychology...or even statistics and English.

In addition to these subjects, emphasis is placed on specific technical knowledge that will allow students to be able to practice their future profession perfectly with patients: the care, why, when and how to implement it according to the patient and his specific profile.

All FEEDUC's partner universities in Spain are equipped with simulation equipment that replicates exactly what future nurses will find during their work placements and in the practice of their profession.

There, numerous quality partnerships allow students to take advantage of cutting-edge services (emergency, intensive care, surgery, pediatrics, oncology, etc.) to begin applying their knowledge, supervised by the best teams.

There are many professional opportunities in Europe and also in France if you wish.

You receive solid training that allows you to find work quickly with the full confidence of other members of the medical teams.

This course teaches you how to care for and relate to the people you will be caring for!

The training provided to you is exactly what you should expect and certainly goes beyond what you imagine!

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